In the News

Ethics as a competitive advantage in the booming artificial intelligence industry
We are in the foothills of an AI journey. On April 8 the EU issued in-depth guidelines on developing and implementing trustworthy Artificial Intelligence. The guidelines identify fundamental requirements for AI in Europe and set a global standard for efforts to advance AI that is Ethical and Responsible.
Artificial general intelligence is a Rorschach Test: Perhaps we need orangutans?
Artificial general intelligence, or "AGI," the idea of a machine that can approach human levels of cognition, is a great topic to get people all worked up.
DeepMind’s plans to make AI systems robust & reliable, why it’s a core issue in AI design, and how to succeed at AI research
To Pushmeet Kohli, principal scientist and research team leader at DeepMind, research to make AI robust and reliable is no more a side-project in AI design than keeping a bridge standing is a side-project in bridge design.

The first online bootcamp to train you to a guaranteed machine learning job.
Springboard offers personalized mentorship, career coaching, inside relationships with hiring managers, a curated curriculum that teaches you all the skills (TensorFlow, Spark, machine learning theory and more) and unlimited calls with machine learning experts. Get a job or your tuition back with our flexible, online machine learning bootcamp.
Applied use cases
Speech2Face: Learning the Face Behind a Voice
We consider the task of reconstructing an image of a person’s face from a short input audio segment of speech.
Capture the Flag: the emergence of complex cooperative agents
Mastering the strategy, tactical understanding, and team play involved in multiplayer video games represents a critical challenge for AI research.
Why does Beijing suddenly care about AI ethics?
The Beijing AI Principles were announced last Saturday by the Beijing Academy of Artificial Intelligence (BAAI), an organization backed by the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology and the Beijing municipal government.
AI Fairness for People with Disabilities
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is increasingly being used in decision-making that directly impacts people’s lives. Like age, gender, and race, disability status is a protected characteristic.
This robot learns its two-handed moves from human dexterity
Using two hands is harder than we make it look. This robotic control system learns from humans before attempting to do the same.
To Fly Solo, Racing Drones Have a Need for AI Speed Training
One research team developing the AI necessary for controlling autonomous racing drones is the Robotics and Perception Group at the University of Zurich in Switzerland.
Targeted Dropout
Neural networks can represent functions to solve complex tasks that are difficult — if not impossible — to write instructions for by hand, such as understanding language and recognizing objects.
Introducing FastBert — A simple Deep Learning library for BERT Models
FastBert is the deep learning library that allows developers and data scientists to train and deploy BERT based models for natural language processing, question answering, fine tuning language model and more.