In the News

Toby Walsh, A.I. Expert, Is Racing to Stop the Killer Robots
Recently, Dr. Walsh, 55, has been working with the Campaign to Stop Killer Robots, a coalition of scientists and human rights leaders seeking to halt the development of autonomous robotic weapons. I realized how few of my artificial intelligence colleagues were thinking about the dangers of this new...

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In The News
How evolutionary selection can train more capable self-driving cars
In random search, researchers apply many random hyperparameter schedules over multiple types of hyperparameters in order to train different networks independently and in parallel–after which it’s possible to settle on the best performing model.
Applied use cases
How I became a machine learning practitioner
Early days A founding principle of OpenAI is that we value research and engineering equally — our goal is to build working systems that solve previously impossible tasks, so we need both.
Racial Bias in AI Isn’t Getting Better and Neither Are Researchers’ Excuses
The flaw in AI Portrait Ars, an app built by researchers at the MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab, was first pointed out by Morgan Sung, a reporter at Mashable.
Technology needs ethics. Oxford philosopher Luciano Floridi explains why
We should not spend time worrying about whether we should be afraid of robots or will become Google slaves.
A Unified Framework of Five Principles for AI in Society
In the ensuing discussion, we note the limitations and assess the implications of this ethical framework for future efforts to create laws, rules, technical standards, and best practices for ethical AI in a wide range of contexts.
In Defense of “Boring” Robots
When we imagine our robotic future, we imagine all kinds of robots but seldom focus on why we would need them.
Meet Aquanaut, the Underwater Transformer
HMI cofounder and chief technology officer Nic Radford spent 14 years working on advanced robotics projects at NASA’s Johnson Space Center, in Houston.
An AI Weirdness book!!!
Of course, there haven’t been that many cartoon-filled AI humor books published, so I had to resort to other kinds of books.
Machine Learning for Creativity and Design
Generative models enable new types of media creation across images, music, and text - including recent advances such as StyleGAN, MuseNet and GPT-2.
Stacked Capsule Autoencoders
Usually, object detection is posed as a supervised learning problem, and modern approaches typically involve training a CNN to predict the probability of whether an object exists at a given image location.