In the News

Under digital surveillance: how American schools spy on millions of kids
Last year Jasinski heard about a new option: following the school shooting in Parkland, Florida, the technology company Bark was offering schools free, automated, 24-hour-a-day surveillance of what students were writing in their school emails, shared documents and chat messages, and sending alerts...

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In The News
Helping to Protect the 2020 US Elections
Today, almost a year out from the 2020 elections in the US, we’re announcing several new measures to help protect the democratic process and providing an update on initiatives already underway: Fighting foreign interference Combating inauthentic behavior, including an updated policy Protecting the...
Machines Beat Humans on a Reading Test. But Do They Understand?
Known as word embeddings, this dictionary encoded associations between words as numbers in a way that deep neural networks could accept as input — akin to giving the person inside a Chinese room a crude vocabulary book to work with.
Applied use cases
Google CEO Sundar Pichai on achieving quantum supremacy
(Also, it was recorded before IBM published a paper disputing Google’s quantum supremacy claim.) On October 21, IBM researchers published a paper disputing Google's claim to have achieved quantum supremacy.
Restoring ancient text using deep learning: a case study on Greek epigraphy
This work presents PYTHIA, the first ancient text restoration model that recovers missing characters from a damaged text input using deep neural networks.
Advancing AI in health care: It’s all about trust
Three years ago, artificial intelligence pioneer Geoffrey Hinton said, “We should stop training radiologists now". There are many proofs of concept, such as automated diagnosis of pneumonia from chest X-rays, but surprisingly few cases in which deep learning (a machine learning technique that is...
Algorithms Are Designed to Addict Us, and the Consequences Go Beyond Wasted Time
It has been stunningly successful: 70 percent of time spent on YouTube is watching recommended videos, amounting to 700 million hours a day. Inflammatory, conspiratorial content generates clicks and engagement.
AI and Climate Change: How they’re connected, and what we can do about it
by Roel Dobbe (Postdoctoral Researcher) and Meredith Whittaker (Co-Founder), AI Now Institute On September 20th, workers from 12 tech companies joined the global climate strike, highlighting tech’s role in climate change and demanding “zero carbon emissions by 2030, zero contracts with fossil fuel...
OpenAI's dexterous robotic hand — separating progress from PR
What Happened On October 15th, OpenAI released a pre-print paper and an accompanying blog post both titled “Solving Rubik’s Cube with a Robot Hand”, describing how the team was able to train a 5-fingered robot hand to manipulate a Rubik’s cube with Deep Reinforcement Learning, or Deep RL . OpenAI’s...
Teradyne to Acquire AutoGuide Mobile Robots in $165M Deal
“Teradyne’s financial strength and global reach will help support AutoGuide’s growth, enabling us to maintain our agile approach to the development and deployment of high-value automation systems that bring industry leading value to our customers.”
Efficient multi-lingual language model fine-tuning
MultiFiT extends ULMFiT to make it more efficient and more suitable for language modelling beyond English: It utilizes tokenization based on subwords rather than words and employs a QRNN rather than an LSTM.
Combination of Artificial Intelligence & Radiologists More Accurately Identified Breast Cancer
A New Tool to Identify Breast Cancer In the new study, the research team designed statistical techniques that let their program “learn” how to get better at a task without being told exactly how.