In the News
The state of Artificial Intelligence in six visuals
Overview of the market and companies working on Artificial Intelligence (split by geography, split by category, funding details and company age)

IBM's 'Rodent Brain' chip could make our phones Hyper-Smart
The cognitive computing group at IBM is working on a system that reproduces the brain of a small rodent—or, at least, the digital equivalent, spanning 48 million of these artificial nerve cells.
AI researchers aren't trying to pass the Turing test
One of the biggest misconceptions about artificial intelligence (AI) is thinking that it must pass the Turing Test to be truly intelligent. But AI scientists say the test is basically worthless and distracts people from the real AI science.
Slack CEO denigrates Apple's Siri in announcing work on own team-serving virtual assistant
Slack Technologies founder and CEO Stewart Butterfield on Monday revealed plans to invest in artificial intelligence with an eye on virtual assistant tech for work groups, while calling Apple's solution "nearly useless."
Google DeepMind publications
The publications listed here offer an interesting insight into the research topics and advances carried out at Google DeepMind on general purpose learning algorithms.

Composing music with Recurrent Neural Networks
Recurrent neural networks have recently been used to produce Shakespeare-like texts, C code, Obama speeches and more. Here's an attempt at music composition.
How a Kalman filter works, in pictures
Kalman filters are used in numerous fields, from object tracking to economics and navigation. Here's an interesting introduction in pictures.

Principal Component Analysis and Fashion
Sets of images can be broken down with Principal Component Analysis (PCA). This has been done pretty successfully with faces. This post takes a look at fashion and shows how PCA can help categorize dresses, create new dresses and gain insights on fashion. Great read.
Software tools & code
A/B Testing with Hierarchical Models in Python
This post discusses a method for A/B testing using Beta-Binomial Hierarchical models to correct for a common pitfall when testing multiple hypotheses.
Brains & Neurons
5 brain technologies that will shape our future
The race to decipher the workings of the human brain, and build new economies around it, is on. Brain science will likely change our lives, here are 5 emerging technologies that offer a glimpse into the future promise of brain science.
Some thoughts

Sorting Algorithm Animations
Great animated visualisation of the different types of sorting algorithms.
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