In the News

A.I. Versus the Coronavirus
A new consortium of top scientists will be able to use some of the world’s most advanced supercomputers to look for solutions.

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In The News
A debate between AI experts shows a battle over the technology’s future
In my prior life as a cognitive development person, I did experiments with seven-month-old infants and showed that those infants could generalize symbolic knowledge. Have you seen any projects where they have successfully combined deep learning and symbolic AI in promising ways?
Social Media Posts and Online Searches Hold Vital Clues about Pandemic Spread
Nearly a week before the World Health Organization first warned of a mysterious new respiratory disease in Wuhan, China, a team of Boston-based sleuths at the global disease monitoring system HealthMap captured digital clues about the outbreak from an online press report.
The WIRED Guide to Artificial Intelligence
The technique involves passing data through webs of math loosely inspired by how brain cells work, known as artificial neural networks.
Applied use cases
Rana el Kaliouby decodes “Girl Decoded,” her memoir about humanizing technology before it dehumanizes us
Rana recently published her memoir, “Girl Decoded,” which weaves together her personal journey of self-discovery with her experiences as a founder developing emotional artificial intelligence technology.
Agent57: Outperforming the human Atari benchmark
The ultimate goal is not to develop systems that excel at games, but rather to use games as a stepping stone for developing systems that learn to excel at a broad set of challenges.
What you need to know about product management for AI
Your team also needs to solve a cold start problem so you can recommend movies before the system begins collecting user feedback data (typically solved by using contextual topic-based or popularity-based recommendations), but once you gather explicit user ratings and video viewing data, you should...
‘Trustworthy AI’ is a framework to help manage unique risk
Deloitte’s Trustworthy AI framework introduces six key dimensions that, when considered collectively in the design, development, deployment, and operational phases of AI system implementation, can help safeguard ethics and build a trustworthy AI strategy.
Nick Bostrom: Simulation and Superintelligence | AI Podcast #83 with Lex Fridman
He has worked on fascinating and important ideas in existential risks, simulation hypothesis, human enhancement ethics, and the risks of superintelligent AI systems, including in his book Superintelligence.
AI Ethics #3 : Privacy face masks, ML Fairness, Deepfakes, Franken-algorithms and more ...
Our contributions to the Office of Privacy Commissioner of Canada’s consultation Our team spent many hours working to put together technical and legal recommendations for the OPCC consultation, it also includes the feedback we gathered from our community leveraging a great...
COVID-19, robots and us – weekly online discussion
Silicon Valley Robotics and the CITRIS People and Robots Initiative are hosting a weekly “COVID-19, robots and us” online discussion with experts from the robotics and health community on Tuesdays at 7pm
Robotic Exoskeletons, Like This One, Are Getting More Practical
Full-body powered robotic exoskeletons are a bit rarer, which makes the Sarcos suit pretty cool to look at.
NLP Research Highlights — Issue #1
On improving conversational agents Towards a Human-like Open-Domain Chatbot Meena is a neural conversational agent that aims to conduct improved conversations that are more sensible and specific — metrics that are defined to capture important attributes from a human conversation (e.g., fluency).
ACM Prize in Computing Awarded to AlphaGo Developer
David Silver Recognized for Breakthrough Advances in Computer Game-Playing ACM named David Silver the recipient of the 2019 ACM Prize in Computing for breakthrough advances in computer game-playing.