In the News

Artificial intelligence is evolving all by itself
Researchers have created software that borrows concepts from Darwinian evolution, including “survival of the fittest,” to build AI programs that improve generation after generation without human input. The program replicated decades of AI research in a matter of days, and its designers think that one day, it could discover new approaches to AI.

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In The News
Treating COVID-19: How Researchers Are Using AI to Scale Care, Find Cures, and Crowdsource Solutions
Crowdsourcing Coronavirus Solutions Kaggle, the world’s largest machine-learning community, with 4.4 million members, is meeting the COVID challenge with challenges of its own: specifically, open competitions to create machine learning (ML) systems that facilitate scientific literature review,...
AI can’t predict how a child’s life will turn out even with a ton of data
Three sociologists at Princeton University asked hundreds of researchers to predict six life outcomes for children, parents, and households using nearly 13,000 data points on over 4,000 families.
Applied use cases
Google apologizes after its Vision AI produced racist results
In an experiment that became viral on Twitter, AlgorithmWatch showed that Google Vision Cloud, a computer vision service, labeled an image of a dark-skinned individual holding a thermometer “gun” while a similar image with a light-skinned individual was labeled “electronic device”.
A guide to healthy skepticism of artificial intelligence and coronavirus
Editor's Note: This report from The Brookings Institution’s Artificial Intelligence and Emerging Technology (AIET) Initiative is part of “AI Governance,” a series that identifies key governance and norm issues related to AI and proposes policy remedies to address the complex challenges associated...
UK government using confidential patient data in coronavirus response
Technology firms are processing large volumes of confidential UK patient information in a data-mining operation that is part of the government’s response to the coronavirus outbreak, according to documents seen by the Guardian.
‘Trustworthy AI’ is a framework to help manage unique risk
Deloitte’s Trustworthy AI framework introduces six key dimensions that, when considered collectively in the design, development, deployment, and operational phases of AI system implementation, can help safeguard ethics and build a trustworthy AI strategy.
Code Switch
Predating AI voice assistants, 2008 research from the University of Indiana found that men and women both show a preference for the sound of a female voice compared to a male or computerized voice.
Robots to the Rescue During COVID-19 Lockdown
When COVID-19 hit Washington, D.C., and health officials said people had to stay 2 meters apart, Broad Branch Market owner Tracy Stannard knew it meant an end to business as usual. So she turned to Starship Technologies' delivery robots.
COVID-19 robotics resources: ideas for roboticists, users, and educators
Robots could have a role to play in COVID-19, whether it’s automating laboratory research, helping with logistics, disinfecting hospitals, education, or allowing carers, colleagues or loved ones to connect using telepresence.
Expect More Jobs And More Automation In The Post-COVID-19 Economy
Now that we are in the midst of massive job loss, that hasn’t been caused by automation, the question is now “How can automation accelerate our recovery and protect us from future pandemics?” Prior to the COVID-19 outbreak, estimates on the specific impact automation will have on jobs varied...
Rochelle Silva is a Data Scientist at, startup that leverages artificial intelligence, high-resolution satellite imagery, and computing power to create planet intelligence.
Signs of disillusionment in the valley Back in February, before Silicon Valley pretty much completely shut down for business, one of the most prominent VC's - Andresseen-Horowitz posted a seemingly boring post on whether AI companies should be viewed more like software startups or rather service...
A deep generative model trifecta: Three advances that work towards harnessing large-scale power
As a branch of self-supervised learning techniques in deep learning, DGMs specifically focus on characterizing data generation processes.