In the News

Walmart employees are out to show its anti-shoplifting AI doesn’t work
“Our digital eye has perfect vision, and it never needs a day off.” In an effort to refute the claims made in the Business Insider piece, the Concerned Home Office Associates created a video, which purports to show Everseen’s technology failing to flag items not being scanned in three different...

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In The News
Microsoft sacks journalists to replace them with robots
Dozens of journalists have been sacked after Microsoft decided to replace them with artificial intelligence software. Around 27 individuals employed by PA Media – formerly the Press Association – were told on Thursday that they would lose their jobs in a month’s time after Microsoft decided to stop...
US joins G7 artificial intelligence group to counter China
The U.S. has joined an international panel for setting ethical guidelines for the use of artificial intelligence, a move previously dismissed by the Trump administration.
Applied use cases
AI Isn’t Magical and Won’t Help You Reopen Your Business
What do you do when a sudden break from past trends profoundly reorders the way the world works? If you’re a business, one thing you probably can’t do is turn to existing artificial intelligence.
A computer scientist gets candid about her quest to bring empathy to artificial intelligence
In Girl Decoded, el Kaliouby and coauthor Carol Colman have created a riveting memoir of a “nice Egyptian girl” who, despite cultural conditioning that encouraged her to put her duties as a wife and mother first, went on to pursue her professional dreams.
Understanding neural network representations to improve AI system design While machine learning techniques such as transfer learning and meta-learning are increasingly popular and powerful, there are fundamental open questions on the algorithms, what representations they learn, and why they’re...
The impact of AI in a transformed world
Artificial intelligence has entered the mainstream and the fourth industrial revolution is continuing apace, leading sceptics to question what this means for the average employee.
Microsoft researchers say NLP bias studies must consider role of social hierarchies like racism
But a team of AI researchers wants the NLP bias research community to more closely examine and explore relationships between language, power, and social hierarchies like racism in their work.
People for the Ethical Treatment of Reinforcement Learners
There is no ethically justified reason to prioritise algorithms implemented on carbon over algorithms implemented on silicon.
GoodBoy - 3D Printed Arduino Robot Dog
Introduction: GoodBoy - 3D Printed Arduino Robot Dog This instructable details how to make a small quadruped robot using 3D printed parts.
Robotics Reaps Rewards at ICRA: NVIDIA’s Dieter Fox Named RAS Pioneer
He’s receiving the RAS Pioneer Award “for pioneering contributions to probabilistic state estimation, RGB-D perception, machine learning in robotics, and bridging academic and industrial robotics research.”
New fully funded PhD positions in Cognitive Robotics & Human-Robot Interaction at the Italian Institute of Technology
Within this curriculum I am supervising three themes: Autonomous learning in human-robot interaction: towards transparent robot symbiosis in skill acquisition The role of social signals in human-robot interaction in group Cortical networks for affective communication in human robot interaction Below...
Deep Learning for Coders with fastai and PyTorch: The Free eBook
You may have also used or heard of their equally high quality deep learning, machine learning, linear algebra, and natural language processing courses.
An introduction to SIMD and ISPC in Rust
We don't use our hardware effectively Single instruction, multiple data (SIMD) instructions allow for your CPU to operate on multiple elements of data per cycle.