In the News

If AI is going to help us in a crisis, we need a new kind of ethics
Ethics for urgency means making ethics a core part of AI rather than an afterthought, says Jess Whittlestone.

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In The News
NASA needs your help teaching its Curiosity rover how to drive on Mars
The tool is a form of "machine learning" that allows rover planners assisting with Curiosity's movements to train the rover's intelligence for safe route planning
Machine learning helped demystify a California earthquake swarm
By training computers to identify tiny earthquake signals recorded by seismographs, scientists found that circulating groundwater probably triggered a four-year-long earthquake swarm in Southern California.
Applied use cases
What I learned from looking at 200 machine learning tools
Conclusion I. Overview In one way to generalize the ML production flow that I agreed with, it consists of 4 steps: Project setup Data pipeline Modeling & training Serving I categorize the tools based on which step of the workflow that it supports. I don’t include Project setup since it requires...
AI Product Institute Blog
I've been getting many questions from my Stanford Continuing Studies and AI Product Institute students about utilizing artificial intelligence (AI) in their specific industry or business use cases. These are valid asks because it takes effort for product managers to reach the point where employing...
The Research and Applied AI Summit
In recent years, biology and chemistry has become increasingly high-throughput and data-driven thanks to massively parallel sequencing, robotic liquid handling robots, advanced imaging techniques and more.
Abolish the #TechToPrisonPipeline
“University Deletes Press Release Promising ‘Bias-Free’ Criminal Detecting Algorithm.” Vice, May 6 Audrey Beard, MS student of Computer Science, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Sonja Solomun, Research Director, Centre for Media, Technology & Democracy, McGill University Chelsea Barabas, PhD...
AI researchers say scientific publishers help perpetuate racist algorithms
The news: An open letter from a growing coalition of AI researchers is calling out scientific publisher Springer Nature for a conference paper it originally planned to include in its forthcoming book Transactions on Computational Science & Computational Intelligence. The paper, titled “A Deep Neural...
SciFri Extra: A Pragmatic Wishlist For AI Ethics
Earlier this month, three major tech companies publicly distanced themselves from the facial recognition tools used by police: IBM said they would stop all such research, while Amazon and Microsoft said they would push pause on any plans to give facial recognition technology to domestic law...
A robot sloth will (very slowly) survey endangered species
Most animal-inspired robots are designed to move quickly, but Georgia Tech’s latest is just the opposite. Their newly developed SlothBot is built to study animals, plants and the overall environment below them by moving as little as possible.
Why robotics startups fail!
Fresh Consulting analyzed significant industry case studies from Rethink Robotics to iRobot for their whitepaper “Why Robotics Companies Fail,” and launched it on June 11 at a panel discussion moderated by James Dietrich, from Fresh Consulting, with guest speakers Aaron Prather, Senior Advisor for...
This Week’s Awesome Tech Stories From Around the Web (Through June 20)
Boston Dynamics Will Now Sell Any Business Its Own Spot Robot for $74,500 James Vincent | The Verge “It’s a hefty price tag, equal to the base price for a luxury Tesla Model S. But Boston Dynamics says, for that money, you’re getting the most advanced mobile robot in the world, able to go pretty...
Microsoft Research Blog
Learning texture transformer network for image super-resolution Image super-resolution (SR) aims to recover natural and realistic textures for a high-resolution image from its degraded low-resolution counterpart, which is an important problem in the image enhancement field.
Turning any CNN image classifier into an object detector with Keras, TensorFlow, and OpenCV
Today, we’re starting a four-part series on deep learning and object detection: Part 1: Turning any deep learning image classifier into an object detector with Keras and TensorFlow (today’s post) Part 2: OpenCV Selective Search for Object Detection
Counting Out Time: Class Agnostic Video Repetition Counting in the Wild
Counting Out Time: Class Agnostic Video Repetition Counting in the Wild Debidatta Dwibedi 1, Yusuf Aytar 2, Jonathan Tompson 1, Pierre Sermanet 1, and Andrew Zisserman 2 1 Google Research 2 DeepMind {debidatta, yusufaytar, tompson, sermanet, zisserman}