In the News

Artificial Intelligence And The End Of Work
It is not hard to understand why people are receptive to a vision of the future in which AI’s primary impact is to augment human activity. Machine first surpassed man in chess in 1997, when IBM’s Deep Blue computer program defeated world chess champion Garry Kasparov in a widely publicized...

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In The News
A New Artificial Intelligence Makes Mistakes—on Purpose
A New Artificial Intelligence Makes Mistakes—on Purpose A chess program that learns from human error might be better at working with people or negotiating with them. But instead of learning how to destroy an opponent on the board, Maia focuses on predicting human moves, including the mistakes they...
Which artificial intelligence applications will flourish by 2030?
I am thinking here of areas in which prototypes already exist: AI-powered activities that are likely to become normal by the end of this decade: Conversational Commerce, Home Technical Support, and Autonomous Vehicles.
Applied use cases
From vision to reality: the rise of Artificial Intelligence in the healthcare sector
In the first quarter of 2020 alone, almost $1bn was invested in AI-focused healthcare start-ups and a recent projection shows the global industry growing at a rate of 44% until 2026. For healthcare providers and associated organisations, it remains a real challenge to turn vision into reality.
Silicon Valley’s Safe Space
The contrarian nature of these ideas makes them appealing to people who maybe don’t think enough about the consequences.” The allure of the ideas within Silicon Valley is what made Mr. Alexander, who had also written under his given name, Scott Siskind, and his blog essential reading. ‘The People...
Perspective Algorithmic injustice: a relational ethics approach
As such, this paper mainly offers critical examinations and reflection and not “solutions.” keywords justice ethics Afro-feminism relational epistemology data science complex systems enaction embodiment artificial intelligence machine learning Introduction Algorithmic decision making increasingly...
Who Should Stop Unethical A.I.?
When the SIGCHI ethics committee began its work, Shilton said, conference reviewers—ordinary computer scientists deciding whether to accept or reject papers based on intellectual merit—“were really serving as the one and only source for pushing back on a lot of practices which are considered...
Is Your Company Ready For Generation AI?
As more AI product comes onto the market all relevant stakeholders need to construct mechanisms to protect children while still enabling the benefits of AI, says Seth Bergeson, a PwC Fellow at the Forum who is leading the Generation AI project’s work with partners from the private, public, and...
The AI Ethics Brief #43: Learning Community 2.0, India, China, large language models, and more ...
This week’s overview: What we are thinking: From the Founder’s Desk: Introduction to ethics in the use of AI in war: Part 2 The Sociology of AI Ethics: Upgrading China Through Automation: Manufacturers, Workers and Techno-Development State (Research Summary) Research summaries: Understanding the...
RoMi-H: Bringing robot traffic control to healthcare
No single robotics or automation provider can supply the breadth of solutions required in a modern healthcare facility and no facility can afford to operate siloed systems requiring dedicated infrastructure and operating unique user interfaces.
Happy Mars Day!
I hope we’ll see robots landing on Mars tomorrow. Scheduled arrival beginning 11:15am Thursday February 18 2021 with touchdown at 12:55pm PST. After nearly 300 million miles, our Perseverance rover completes its journey to Mars on Thursday, Feb. 18.
The Origin of Robot Arm Programming Languages
In the late sixties, mechanical engineer Victor Scheinman at the Stanford AI Lab designed what became known as the Stanford Arm. By late 1974 Raphael Finkel, Russell Taylor, Robert Bolles, Richard Paul, and Jerome Feldman had developed a new language AL, for Assembly Language, an Algol-ish language...
Transparency in Language Generation: Levels of Automation
un 20 20 Transparency in Language Generation: Levels of Automation Justin Edwards [email protected] Allison Perrone [email protected] Philip R. Doyle [email protected] transparency, natural language generation, language models, tax- onomy, levels of automation ACM Reference...
Designer-centered reinforcement learning
In recent work, we focus on three specific challenges: exercising authorial control when it comes to specifying the aesthetic style of game agents balancing multiple design constraints, specifically task completion and behaving in a desired style developing RL tools and infrastructure that are more...
GradInit: Learning to Initialize Neural Networks for Stable and Efficient Training
1: Input: Target optimization algorithm A, target learning rate η, learning rate τ of the scalesm, initial parameters θ0, total iterations T , upper bound of the gradient γ, lower bound for the weight and bias scales α, β. The Transformer model is inherited from (Vaswani et al., Method LN wskip...