In the News

“A Citizen’s Guide To Artificial Intelligence”: A Nice Focus On The Societal Impact Of AI
The difference between supervised and unsupervised learning is in knowing what you’re looking for: · Supervised: “Hey, here’s attack XYZ!” · Unsupervised learning: “Hey, here’s this weird thing that might be an attack!” So skim chapter one to get to the good stuff.

Ready for a Diet That Doesn’t Feel Like a Diet?
Are you trying to lose weight? It seems like everyone is these days. But the fact is, being overweight isn’t really the problem; it’s the symptom. We all know we should eat less, and exercise more. How? Noom can help you answer these questions. More than a simple weight-loss program, Noom is a complete lifestyle management system, a behavioral health program—both mental and physical—that pinpoints the issues that cause you to put on pounds.
In The News
BMW’s Virtual Factory Uses AI to Hone the Assembly Line
BMW’s Virtual Factory Uses AI to Hone the Assembly Line The German automaker uses new software from chipmaker Nvidia to simulate train robots and human workers. Well before any new parts roll off the production line, the entire manufacturing process will run in stunningly realistic detail inside a...
Artificial Intelligence could 'crack the language of cancer and Alzheimer's'
Powerful algorithms used by Netflix, Amazon and Facebook can 'predict' the biological language of cancer and neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's, scientists have found. Big data produced during decades of research was fed into a computer language model to see if artificial intelligence can...
What is ‘Machine Learning’?
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is defined as ‘the theory and development of computer systems able to perform tasks normally requiring human intelligence’. From reinforcement learning, semi-supervised learning, self-learning, feature learning, sparse dictionary learning, anomaly detection and robot...
Applied use cases
Edge Impulse and TinyML on Raspberry Pi
There is also support for object detection, exclusively on the Raspberry Pi; you can train a custom object detection model using camera data taken on your own Raspberry Pi, and then deploy and use this custom model, rather than relying on a pretrained stock image classification model.
GPT-3 Powers the Next Generation of Apps
Over 300 applications are delivering GPT-3–powered search, conversation, text completion, and other advanced AI features through our API.
What's New in Robotics? 09.04.2021
News briefs for the week take a look at new AI-powered robots and cobots for machine tending and logistics operations, mobile UV robots for disinfecting passenger aircraft in 10 minutes, oil rig robot roughnecks entering the drilling industry, the Top 5 picks for countries winning the robotics...
AI and National Security: Examining First Principles- a conversation with Lucy Suchman
Justin Hendrix: We’ve got this latest effort- a National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence chaired by Eric Schmidt, the former Google executive, and then a variety of other notable individuals from across industry, former staffers and former lawmakers and people in academia who focus on...
Black women, AI, and overcoming historical patterns of abuse
Instead of offering up more equitable performance results or allowing the federal government to assess their algorithm like other companies with facial recognition tech have done, AWS executives attempted to discredit study coauthors Joy Buolamwini and Deb Raji in multiple blog posts.
Big Tech’s guide to talking about AI ethics
Avoid using real examples of harmful unintended consequences. ethics board (ph) - A group of advisors without real power, convened to create the appearance that your company is actively listening.
This Robot Taught Itself to Walk in a Simulation—Then Went for a Stroll in Berkeley
Recently, in a Berkeley lab, a robot called Cassie taught itself to walk, a little like a toddler might. Through trial and error, it learned to move in a simulated world. It’s the first time a machine learning approach known as reinforcement learning has been so successfully applied in two-legged...
Warm feelings about human-looking robots can turn icy when bots blunder
In a series of studies on robots used in service industry settings, such as restaurants and hotels, the researchers found that people's reactions to robot gaffes may be influenced by whether the robots look like humans, or humanoid; or mostly lack human features, or non-humanoid.
Neuralink's brain-computer interface demo shows a monkey playing Pong
Now Neuralink is demonstrating its progress by showing a Macaque with one of the Link chips playing Pong. We have implanted the Link in the hand and arm areas of the motor cortex, a part of the brain that is involved in planning and executing movements.
As a result, we obtain holes, namely, regions in the latent space where the aggregated posterior assigns low probability while the prior assigns (relatively) high probability (see a dark gray ellipse in Figure 2). Therefore, we can use the Mixture of Gaussians (MoG) prior with components: Similarly...
Artificial Intelligence to Accelerate Discovery
Description Artificial Intelligence to Accelerate Discovery Join us for the Virtual Workshop organized by the Friends of the National Library of Medicine (FNLM) to be held Wednesday, April 21, 2021 online, 11:00 am – 1:00 pm EDT.
Careers at Papers with Code
Mission Accelerate scientific progress by making research easier to discover, reproduce and extend There has been an explosion of research in machine learning, but it is becoming much harder to keep up with progress.