
TransformX Conference: Driving AI from Experimentation to Reality
Join Scale AI for our two-day, virtual conference featuring a community of leaders, visionaries, practitioners, and researchers across industries as we explore the shift from research to reality within AI and Machine Learning.
Computer vision
The Impact of Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning in Eye Diseases: A Review
We report a clinical overview of the basic principles of AI that are fundamental to appreciating its application to ophthalmology practice
Computer vision and deep learning provide new ways to detect cyber threats
The last decade’s growing interest in deep learning was triggered by the proven capacity of neural networks in computer vision tasks.
Natural language processing
OpenAI can translate English into code with its new machine learning software Codex
In demos of Codex, OpenAI shows how the software can be used to build simple websites and rudimentary games using natural language, as well as translate between different programming languages and tackle data science queries.
What is sentiment analysis? Using NLP and ML to extract meaning
Companies use sentiment analysis to evaluate customer messages, call center interactions, online reviews, social media posts, and other content.
ML ops & infrastructure
Now that machines can learn, can they unlearn? | Ars Technica
Researchers see if they can remove sensitive data without retraining AI from scratch. Can we remove all influence of someone’s data when they ask to delete it, but avoid the full cost of retraining from scratch?
The Computer Scientist Training AI to Think with Analogies - Scientific American
Mitchell maintains that analogy can go much deeper than exam-style pattern matching. “It’s understanding the essence of a situation by mapping it to another situation that is already understood,”
AI policy and governance
How new regulation is driving the AI governance market
AI governance, or the process of defining policies to guide AI development, is a fast-growing market opportunity. Amid the COVID-19 crisis, the global market for AI governance has grown significantly.
How open-source software shapes AI policy
Open-source software quietly affects nearly every issue in AI policy, but it is largely absent from discussions around AI policy—policymakers need to more actively consider OSS’s role in AI.
AI, from research to reality
How The Pandemic Has Shifted Attitudes To The 'Artificial Intelligence Of Things' And The Smart Home
Just as the pandemic was taking off, a new kind of technology ecosystem called the "artificial intelligence of things" (AIoT) was taking a foothold.
We’re Getting Closer to Flying Humanoid Robots - IEEE Spectrum
As if humanoids weren't hard enough, try getting one to fly. Jet-HR1 could step across very wide gaps by using the thrust created by the fans to futz with its center of gravity.
New Biocompatible AI May Aid Medicine and Healthcare | Psychology Today
European scientists working in optoelectronics have created a biocompatible AI platform that may enable a novel way for the early detection, monitoring, and treatment of diseases and medical conditions.
The AI Revolution Is Happening Now
The World Economic Forum attributes the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) to the growth and consolidation of technologies such as AI, machine learning, deep learning, the Internet of Things and more.