In the News

RankBrain Unleashed
Google recently announced Rankbrain, its deep learning effort to rank websites. What makes it specific and different from other announcements that shaked the SEO community in the past years (Panda, Hummingbird, Penguin...)?
How should we talk to AIs?
Stephen Wolfram reflects on the way we should interact, talk to and address AIs in the future. He has worked on this for many years, starting with the Wolfram language 30 years ago.
These defiant robots are learning to reject human orders
Robots that we interact with in today’s society are programmed to carry out tasks without deviation. The robots of the future might just be a little more defiant.
Also in the news this week...
- IBM turns up heat under competition in AI
- Meta raises $6M for its AI platform for science
Topology looks for the patterns inside big data
Topologists study spaces by assigning algebraic objects called invariants to them. They may be as simple as an integer, but they are often more complicated algebraic structures. For data analysis, the invariant of choice is persistent homology.
Uber’s surge pricing
Case study on the effects Uber's surge pricing has on demand and usage efficiency.
Software tools & code

Unsupervised representation learning with deep convolutional generative adversarial networks
Very impressive work. Perform arithmetic operations on images and generate realistic images using a new kind of adversarial networks.
Want an open-source deep learning framework? Take your pick
There are many deep learning frameworks out there. Here is a list of the main ones, along with their specificities.
Some thoughts
The Doomsday Invention
Will artificial intelligence bring us utopia or destruction? Great (and somewhat long) read.
This neural net describes the city it sees in real-time
Nice use of Karpathy's Neuraltalk code to create a tool to caption video streams live.
This newsletter is a weekly collection of AI news and resources. If you find it worthwhile, please forward to your friends and colleagues, or share on your favorite network!
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