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Top AI Books to Read in 2023
An article on the top AI books to read in 2022-2023 for an AI-filled future.

The World AI Cannes Festival is back (Feb 9-10-11 2023) with an exceptional concentration of the world’s best AI providers, C-level executives, industry leaders and visionary start-ups committed to accelerating the progress of AI business and humanity.
With more than 15,000 of the most influential AI leaders on the globe, 300+ visionary speakers, 200+ world-class exhibitors, and 100+ partners, Cannes will become the world capital of AI. Will you be part of it?
In The News
The Future of Artificial Intelligence: 10 Companies, 10 Predictions
This article discusses the future of AI, including 10 predictions about 10 companies.
2023 tech predictions: AI and machine learning will come into their own for security
According to this article, in 2023, AI and ML will become more prominent in security, with emerging tech like blockchain and IoT.
My 13 favorite AI stories of 2022 | The AI Beat
Sharon Goldman's thirteen favorite AI stories of 2022, exploring the impact of AI on our lives.
Applied use cases
25 Eye-Opening 2023 Predictions About Generative AI And ChatGPT Including A Splash Of AI Ethics And AI Law Tossed In
In this piece, Forbes identifies Twenty-five predictions for 2023 on generative AI and ChatGPT, including AI ethics and AI law.
How Tesla, Google and Others Are Making Robots More Like Us
Tesla is making AI-powered humanoid robots. Google wants to give its AI brain a bot body. Robotics are moving fast, and every day, droids are becoming more like us.
NYC delays enforcement of law aimed at identifying bias in AI hiring tools
Following criticism from tech watchdogs and business interests alike, New York City will take more time to work out kinks in a new law intended to identify biases in high-tech hiring tools.
AI-assisted plagiarism? ChatGPT bot says it has an answer for that
Silicon Valley firm insists its new text generator, which writes human-sounding essays, can overcome fears over cheating
Book Review : Ethics for People Who Work in Tech
The book’s aim is to empower people to take responsibility, to ‘upgrade’ their skills for ethical reflection, inquiry, and deliberation. It introduces ethics in an accessible manner with practical examples, outlines of different ethical traditions, and practice-oriented methods.
Predictions Scorecard, 2023 January 01
Rodney Brooks provides insight into the future of AI with his 2023 predictions.
Meet Golfi, the robot that plays putt-putt
Neural networks and machine learning are being used to create robots for golfing.
A study of error diversity in robotic swarms for task partitioning in foraging tasks
This paper considers the impact of the error model and compares robots in a swarm that operate using the same error model (uniform error) against each robot in the swarm having a different error model (thus introducing error diversity).
AI : Top-10 Things in 2022
Top ten AI trends of 2022, exploring the impact of AI in healthcare, finance, and more.
Comparing the Perceived Legitimacy of Content Moderation Processes: Contractors, Algorithms, Expert Panels, and Digital Juries
This article examines the implications of comparing perceived legitimacy of AI to human decisions, with a focus on design.
Some remarks on Large Language Models
This github post shows that Large language models are amazing. Language modeling is not enough, but "current language models" are actually more than language models, and they can do much more than we expected.