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TIME100 AI list : 100 most influential people in AI
This group of 100 individuals is in many ways a map of the relationships and power centers driving the development of AI. They are rivals and regulators, scientists and artists, advocates and executives—the competing and cooperating humans whose insights, desires, and flaws will shape the direction of an increasingly influential technology.

Bring ChatGPT to your sales with Attention
Paying Attention We’re all too familiar with the headaches of monotonous work tasks. Updating your CRM. Writing emails. Watching call recordings. Yawn!
Attention automates it all for you. This AI wizard can: Automatically log in crucial info into your CRM. Write your follow up emails while adopting your writing style. Guide your sales reps with in and post-call coaching. Plus, they feed insights that have pulled in an extra $250k in ARR per rep.
In The News
Top 10 Conversational AI Platforms 2023
Here are our picks for the best conversational AI platforms: IBM Watson Assistant: Best for advanced features Best for automation Best for conversational analytics Amazon Lex: Best for affordability Oracle Digital Assistant: Best for performing operational tasks Microsoft Bot...
Robots that learn as they fail could unlock a new era of AI
Asked to explain his work, Lerrel Pinto, 31, likes to shoot back another question: When did you last see a cool robot in your home? The answer typically depends on whether the person asking owns a robot vacuum cleaner: yesterday or never.
AI technology behind ChatGPT was built in Iowa — with a lot of water
The cost of building an artificial intelligence product like ChatGPT can be hard to measure. But one thing Microsoft-backed OpenAI needed for its technology was plenty of water, pulled from the watershed of the Raccoon and Des Moines rivers in central Iowa to cool a powerful supercomputer as it helped teach its AI systems how to mimic human writing.
Applied use cases
DO’s and DON’Ts of AI and LLMs for Hotels
Deep learning: A subset of machine learning that uses multi-layered neural networks to model and process complex data representations, enabling AI systems to learn and adapt continuously from vast amounts of data.
How to train AI to recognize images and classify – AI image recognition
Google Cloud has introduced a new Jump Start Solution that harnesses this power, providing an end-to-end demonstration of how developers can architect an application for image recognition and classification using pre-trained models.
How AI Is A Game Changer For Recruiting And Retention At Salesforce And Other Companies
Seemingly overnight, artificial intelligence became the most exciting new technology. As it relates to businesses, AI has become a positive game changer for recruiting, retention, learning and development programs.
AI: NI can be 'testing centre' for new technology
Bletchley Park to host AI safety talks in November Pass AI law soon or risk falling behind, MPs warn Mr Crozier said he believed Northern Ireland could be "the perfect petri dish and testing ground for technologies, which, then if they work here, can be exported globally".
Neoliberalism on Trial: AI and Existential Risk
I include in the trial balloon category a recent story, “The True Threat of Artificial Intelligence,” which argues that cutting-edge digital technology poses an existential threat to humanity.
Industry leaders urge Congress to enact responsible AI regulations
Some tech observers have suggested hitting pause on generative artificial intelligence development, but industry leaders told lawmakers that the tech could benefit from legislation that builds trust in AI.
Household work robots could be a reality within a decade
This bold prediction stems from Sanctuary AI’s next humanoid robot called Phoenix, which aims to be an intelligent machine capable of understanding human needs and executing complex tasks.
Automation’s Dual Impact on Blue and White-Collar Employment
Ramanan Krishnamoorti, University of Houston's VP for Energy and Innovation, observes growing artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and robot use in routine tasks and white-collar roles.
Ascento’s robots aid overstretched security guards
Like in many industries, there’s an acute shortage of security guards. This means guards still on the job have to pull extra hours and are more likely to make mistakes because of fatigue.
Bio-activity prediction of drug candidate compounds targeting SARS-Cov-2
2 Machine learning in predicting bioactivity Machine learning techniques have emerged as powerful tools for predicting the bioactivity of existing drugs based on their molecular structure and properties.
Structure-based prediction of nucleic acid binding residues
A deep learning module was built based on the diversified sequence and structural descriptors and edge aggregated graph attention networks, while a template module was constructed by transforming the alignments between the query and its multiple templates into features for supervised learning.
Artificial Intelligence in Imaging Flow Cytometry
Imaging flow cytometry (IFC) is a powerful screening technique that combines the advantages of flow cytometry and optical microscopy (Basiji et al. 2007, Rees et al. 2022)