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The AI 100 2023: The top people in AI
For prescient researchers, founders, and others who make up Insider's AI 100, this moment was inevitable.

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In The News
AMD to acquire AI software startup in effort to catch Nvidia
AMD said on Tuesday it plans to buy an artificial intelligence startup called as part of an effort to bolster its software capabilities.
Disney Under Fire for Allegedly Using AI in Promotional Materials for Disney+ Show
Disney is facing backlash after new promotional materials for the second season of "Loki" on Disney+ allegedly used AI technology to achieve the desired aesthetic effect.
IBM foresees no layoffs due to AI, company will hire more workers than it lets go
Speaking during Fortune's CEO Initiative conference yesterday (via Insider), IBM CEO Arvind Krishna said that he didn't intend to get rid of a single programmer due to AI. "I'll get more," he added.
Applied use cases
Study employs deep learning to explain extreme events
Identifying the underlying cause of extreme events such as floods, heavy downpours or tornados is immensely difficult and can take a concerted effort by scientists over several decades to arrive at feasible physical explanations.
DeepMind’s ‘remarkable’ new AI controls robots of all kinds
One of the big challenges of robotics is the amount of effort that has to be put into training machine learning models for each robot, task, and environment.
How ChatGPT and other AI tools could disrupt scientific publishing
When radiologist Domenico Mastrodicasa finds himself stuck while writing a research paper, he turns to ChatGPT, the chatbot that produces fluent responses to almost any query in seconds.
The world's first real AI rules are coming soon. Here's what they will look like.
Governments across the world are at different stages of creating and enacting AI regulations. The EU may be the first to enact generative-AI regulation. China takes a more restrictive stance. The US has relied on industry experts, while the EU and Brazil aim to set up a categorical system.
Chorus of creative workers demands AI regulation at FTC roundtable
At a virtual Federal Trade Commission (FTC) roundtable yesterday, a deep lineup of creative workers and labor leaders representing artists demanded AI regulation of generative AI models and tools.
AI Horizons: Intelligent Innovation & Ethical Progress
Intelligent Innovation: A Glimpse Into The Future The realm of intelligent innovation driven by AI is deep and wide.
The Synergy Of AI & Robots In Medical Practice
As robotics and artificial intelligence technologies advance, their combined use in medicine will become pronounced as time marches on.
Not All Algorithms Are AI (Part 2): The Rise Of Real AI
ChatGPT And Large Language Models: Now And Beyond Large language models (LLMs) and generative AI are deep learning on steroids.
This Ant-Inspired AI Brain Helps Farm Robots Better Navigate Crops
Using images collected from a roaming robot, the team developed an algorithm based on brain processes in ants during navigation.
Short text classification with machine learning in the social sciences: The case of climate change on Twitter
Such activities provide social scientists with large amounts of freely available data, enabling them to advance theories in areas such as international relations, comparative politics, media studies, and public opinion.
Explainable AI for Operational Research: A defining framework, methods, applications, and a research agenda
This article offers in-depth overviews of how XAIOR can be deployed through various methods with respect to distinct domains and applications. Finally, an agenda for future XAIOR research is defined.
Measuring reasoning capabilities of ChatGPT
For experiments, I use the 144 puzzles from the library \url{this https URL}~\cite{groza:fol}. The library contains puzzles of various types, including arithmetic puzzles, logical equations, Sudoku-like puzzles, zebra-like puzzles, truth-telling puzzles, grid puzzles, strange numbers, or self-reference puzzles.