New LLM trained on AI sources only
Hello all AI Weekly subscribers!
Today we want to introduce to you a new concept for getting the most interesting AI news along with insights developed by our team here at AI WEEKLY.
We're excited to launch our new product : Essentials Pro.
Essentials Pro for AI is a Small Language Model based platform that :
1) Recommends daily and weekly links based on your specific AI interests
2) Offers a chatbot interface to ask AI specific questions and get answers only from vetted sources and AI-specific content. Try it now..
3) Will send deep-dive topic reports for weekly and monthly trends based on the analysis of the content you care the most about
4) Will send you a weekly recap of the most trending content online from the social web
Think of it as a Perplexity engine but fully trained and optimised for only AI content.
We're launching this as a Beta today and you, our dear AI weekly audience are the first ones to get the chance (hopefully!) to try it out!
Here is the link :
Try it out with a free 30 day trial, and then a special price of $21 / quarter (3 months) as opposed to $42 for non AI Weekly users!
Please simply reply to this mail if you have any comments or questions