In the News
How driverless cars may interact with people
There are plenty of unanswered questions about how self-driving cars would function in the real world, like understanding local driving customs and handing controls back to a human in an emergency.
Also in the news this week...
- Voice recognition finally beats humans at typing, Stanford study finds. More
- US military worries it may lose the AI war. More
- Tesla enters car insurance business as self driving cars prepare to disrupt the industry. More
- Facebook fires its trending team and the algorithms reportedly go crazy. More
- Apple turns its Turi acquisition into its own machine learning division in Seattle. More
- Stanford scientists combine satellite data and machine learning to map poverty. More

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Learning from imbalanced classes
There are tons of situations where classes are imbalanced (error detection, fraud detection...). But conventional ML algorithms need balanced classes for top performance.
Introduction to contextual bandits
The Multi armed bandit is an interesting problem, where an agent has to choose between different bandits (or different algorithms, or different tools) to achieve a certain task. Here, this problem is applied to feed personalization
Software tools & code
OpenAI infrastructure code for Deep Learning
OpenAI open-sourced a batch-optimized scaling manager for Kubernetes on EC2. This is a specialized bit a software, but an interesting first step for OpenAI on the road to open AI infrastructure.
Facebook's image segmentation tools
SharpMask and DeepMask are interesting evolutions of the widely used RCNN approaches pioneered a few years ago. Facebook "open sourced" those new approaches but unfortunately not the underlying models - which would be much more interesting and probably too valuable to share
Nvidia unveils new processor for self-driving cars
The new Tegra "Parker" processor is pegged as the power behind the company's Drive PX 2 platform for autonomous vehicles that was introduced at CES in January.
Some thoughts
How a Japanese cucumber farmer is using deep learning
In short: by classifying the cucumbers by shape/size
This newsletter is a collection of AI news and resources curated by @dlissmyr. If you find it worthwhile, please forward to your friends and colleagues, or share on your favorite network!
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