In the News
The White House predicts nearly all truck, taxi, and delivery drivers will have their jobs automated
"Like everyone else, the White House isn’t entirely sure how automation driven by advancements in artificial intelligence will affect the US economy. But the president’s office does feel confident about one thing: the outlook isn’t good for people who make their living as drivers."
Poker is the latest game to fold against AI
Two research groups have developed poker-playing AI programs that show how computers can out-hustle the best humans.
Also in the news...
- Apple has published its first AI paper. On creating superrealistic image recognition. More
- Facebook's Face Recognition tech goes on trial. More
- Baidu's "Little Fish" could be China's Echo. More
- Nvidia and Audi aim to bring a self-driving car to market by 2020. More
- Alphabet's Waymo cut cost of key self-driving sensors by 90%. More
- Mark Zuckerberg's challenge for 2016 was to build Jarvis, an AI to run his home. Here are the details, and a few fun videos. More

Learn which AI tools drive greatest ROI at the Gigaom AI Now Conference
Join the leader in emerging technology research Gigaom February 15-16th in San Francisco, CA, and register now for early bird tickets to discover from world-leading practitioners how today’s most progressive enterprises are using AI tools and platforms to drive revenue and improve customer experiences, product development, and business operations.
Yes you should understand backprop
The problem with Backpropagation is that it is a leaky abstraction. Hence the need to understand it.
Speech Recognition with Deep Learning
"Andrew Ng has long predicted that as speech recognition goes from 95% accurate to 99% accurate, it will become a primary way that we interact with computers. Thanks to Deep Learning, we’re finally cresting that peak."
What I learned implementing a classifier from scratch
"In order to demystify some of the magic behind machine learning algorithms, I decided to implement a simple machine learning algorithm from scratch."
Software tools & code
GTA V + Universe
OpenAI has open-sourced its integration with GTA V, which should allow you to (easily) train an AI agent in GTA V's bustling, complex world. They have trained a basic agent already, have a look at the video on the page.
TensorKart: self-driving MarioKart with TensorFlow
Trained an AI agent to drive MarioKart. Nice description of the work carried out along with code.
Deep Learning to hide screen when boss approaches
Fun tutorial: face detection, face recognition with a simple webcam.
Some thoughts
Five 2016 trends that may come to fruition in 2017
Deep Learning beyond cats, chat bots, turning text into action, proliferation of data roles...
A guide to solving social problems with Machine Learning
"You’d love to move your city’s use of predictive analytics into the 21st century, or at least into the 20th century. But how?"
Automation is coming for SEO Content Farmers
"A small company in Ohio called AI Writer has created a neural net that can churn out the search engine optimization (SEO) filler currently being created by content mills in places like India and the Philippines. " Bad news?
This newsletter is a collection of AI news and resources curated by @dlissmyr. If you find it worthwhile, please forward to your friends and colleagues, or share on your favorite network!
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