In the News
Inside Facebook’s AI Machine
The Applied Machine Learning group helps Facebook see, talk, and understand. It may even root out fake news.
Intel on the outside
"The rise of artificial intelligence is creating new variety in the chip market, and trouble for Intel"

Discounted passes to RE•WORK Deep Learning Summit, Boston end 31 March
Explore advances in deep learning & artificial intelligence from the world’s leading innovators. Discover how DL will impact communications, manufacturing & transportation. Confirmed speakers include: Amazon, Google, Facebook, Apple and more. The Deep Learning in Healthcare Summit will be running alongside, meaning attendees can extra sessions and additional networking opportunities.
The best Data Scientists get out and talk to people
"You can be a good data scientist by sitting at your computer. But great data scientists know they must do more."
Baidu Deep Voice explained
Baidu's AI Team recently released an impressive Deep Learning based system for converting text to speech.
The amazing power of word vectors
King - Man + Woman = Queen
Word vectors are powerful. Here is what they are and why they matter.
Deep Learning Tips and Tricks
Useful tips and tricks for the design, training and optimization of Deep Neural Networks
Software tools & code
Facebook Prophet: forecasting at scale
Facebook open sourced Prophet, a forecasting tool available in Python and R that they use internally to forecast capacity needs, feature usage etc.
Baidu 'Ring Allreduce'
Baidu announced an implementation of the ring allreduce algorithm for the deep learning community, which will enable faster training of neural networks across GPU models.
Pretrained Word Vectors
Facebook is open-sourcing pretrained word-vectors for 90 languages. Could be very useful for Natural Language Processing, especially for all the smaller languages they included.
Nvidia unveils new GeForce GTX 1080 TI graphics chip
$699. "Faster" than the Titan X on some metrics. 11GB memory.
Some thoughts
Will Democracy Survive Big Data and Artificial Intelligence?
We are in the middle of a technological upheaval that will transform the way society is organized. We must make the right decisions now
This newsletter is a collection of AI news and resources curated by @dlissmyr. If you find it worthwhile, please forward to your friends and colleagues, or share on your favorite network!
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