Watson 5 years on, Google Brain, AI & language, AI to profile twitter followers and to loose weight, and more
M&A news, Microsoft product launches, Apple shifts focus of car project, Tesla splits with Mobileye, and more
Tougher Turing tests, best ICML/CVPR papers, computer vision model benchmarks, Data Gallery by Google and more
Google's new Wide Learning, Microsoft's bet, AI's whiteguy issue, Recommender systems and more
Reinforcement learning, data acquisition strategies, gradient descent, consciousness, emojis & AI, and more
Google infuses AI, the end of code, useless humans, Facebook building AI to build AI, neural network compression and more
Money is transforming the AI field, chatbots, books, Keras and more
Microsoft bot framework, cognitive services, popularity on reddit, activity net, nnpack, AI empathy, and more
The post-alphago world, Google Speech API, whiskey embedding, diagnosing heart diseases, q-networks, image analogies and more
GM buys startup for $1B, Deepmind Health, Google's and Facebook's new neural networks, AlphaGo, Caffe on Spark and more.