In the News

Artificial intelligence: art’s weird and wonderful new medium
The brave new world of AI-generated artworks is captivating venerable institutions and pioneering collectors, says Francesca Gavin
DeepMind and Google: the battle to control artificial intelligence
Demis Hassabis founded a company to build the world’s most powerful AI. Then Google bought him out. Hal Hodson asks who is in charge
China is about to overtake America in AI research
China will publish more of the most-cited 50 percent of papers than America for the first time this year

Download the SwissBorg Community App. Predict, learn and earn Bitcoin with zero risk!
New to cryptos or an early adopter? This game puts every player into real-life, risk-return, investment decisions with a single prediction feature. The best players will receive BTC & priority access to the upcoming SwissBorg Wealth App.
Stores get smart about AI
Artificial intelligence is infiltrating physical retail, helping stores maximise marketing investments, personalise the customer experience and optimise store inventory.
The Little Black Dress
What happens if AI were to design one of the essential items of womens' wardrobes, the Little Black Dress?
How Artificial Intelligence Is Changing Science
The latest AI algorithms are probing the evolution of galaxies, calculating quantum wave functions, discovering new chemical compounds and more. Is there anything that scientists do that can’t be automated?
Software tools & code
Global dataset version control system (GDVCS)
Qri is a version control system for datasets built on top of the distributed web. Like Git for data and it allows datasets to be easily discovered and kept up-to-date.
An all-neural on-device Speech Recognizer
End-to-end, all-neural, on-device speech recognizer to power speech input in Gboard based on an RNN-transducer
A Data Scientist designed a Social Media influencer account that's 100% automated
A data engineer who created a 100% automated Instagram account to earn free meals at restaurants looking for promotion is offering his services to clients too.