In the News

Three pioneers in Artificial Intelligence win Turing award
Yann LeCun, Geoffrey Hinton and Yoshua Bengio worked on key developments for neural networks, which are reshaping how computer systems are built. Yann Lecun is from Paris, France

Train towards a guaranteed machine learning job
The first online course to offer unlimited 1:1 mentorship from machine learning experts, career coaching, and partnerships to land you a guaranteed machine learning job. Get a job or your tuition back.
A survey of the European Union’s A.I. ecosystem
Compared to other global powers, the European Union (EU) is rarely considered a leading player in the development of artificial intelligence (AI). Why is this, and does this in fact accurately reflect the EU’s activities related to AI? What would it take for the EU to take a more leading role in AI, and to be internationally recognised as such?
Towards Robust and Verified AI: specification testing, robust training, and formal verification
Today, the prevailing practice in machine learning is to train a system on a training data set, and then test it on another set. While this reveals the average-case performance of models, it is also crucial to ensure robustness, or acceptably high performance even in the worst case. In this article, we describe three approaches for rigorously identifying and eliminating bugs in learned predictive models: adversarial testing, robust learning, and formal verification.
How malevolent machine learning could derail AI
AI security expert Dawn Song warns that “adversarial machine learning” could be used to reverse-engineer systems—including those used in defense.
Software tools & code
TensorFlow is dead, long live TensorFlow!
If you’re an AI enthusiast and you didn’t see the big news this month, you might have just snoozed through an off-the-charts earthquake. Everything is about to change!
Some thoughts
Who Owns Your Health Data?
Companies are denying people access to their own data as security risks run rampant
AI Ethics: Seven Traps
As researchers try to come up with principles to apply when seeking to build and deploy AI systems in an ethical way, what problems might they need to be aware of? That's the question that researchers from Princeton try to answer in a blog seven "AI ethics traps" that people might stumble into.