In the News

2022: A major revolution in robotics
The work happening at the intersection of AI, machine vision, and machine learning is fast becoming the foundation for the next phase of robotics. To discuss this exciting moment and how it's going to fundamentally change the world we live in Znet interviewed Pieter Abbeel,

Empower your CX and enrich your customers' journeys with AI and automation.
Empower your CX and enrich your customers' journeys with AI and automation. Description: Leading organizations are looking into transforming their customers' journeys using AI technologies. But what does the future of seamless CX holds? And how do you increase customer satisfaction through automation? Download our whitepaper and find out.
In The News
5 things lawyers should know about artificial intelligence
AI is probabilistic, complex and dynamic Machine learning algorithms are incredibly complex, learning billions of rules from datasets and applying those rules to arrive at an output recommendation. The Federal Reserve’s model risk management guidance (SR 11-7) lays out processes and controls that...
The Future of Artificial Intelligence is Self-Organizing and Self-Assembling
In this first post, we’ll look at some of the developed approaches and the domains they have been applied to, ranging from growing soft robots and Minecraft machines to self-assembling modular robots, and creating more resilient and adaptive reinforcement learning agents. Instead of hard-coded CA...
Find Better Images of AI
Have you noticed that news stories and marketing material about Artificial Intelligence are typically illustrated with clichéd and misleading images ?

Year-End Review & a glimpse into 2022 from Essentials
As the end of the year approaches, it's time to look back at the fast-changing evolution of AI in 2021. To help you navigate this ocean of information the Faveeo team has prepared a Year-End Review that will help you catch the information that matters the most.
Applied use cases
Technique enables real-time rendering of scenes in 3D
The new machine-learning system can generate a 3D scene from an image about 15,000 times faster than other methods.
To see proteins change in a quadrillionth of a second, use AI
Ourmazd’s Wisconsin team, led by research scientist Ahmad Hosseinizadeh, used a machine learning algorithm to extract unprecedentedly precise information from the experimental X-ray diffraction data. Remarkably, these images showed how electrons inside the protein move within frames that are only...
Boffins unveil artificial intelligence that thinks just like we do
Researchers at Fujitsu and the MIT Center for Brains, Minds and Machines (CBMM) have achieved a “major milestone” in the quest to bolster the accuracy of AI models tasked with image recognition. The significance of AI capable of recognizing ODD is that accuracy is maintained in imperfect conditions...
The metaverse needs aggressive regulation
Opinion piece by Louis Rosenberg warning about the need to regualte Metaverse. The article is not about opposing technology, but the fact that large corporations can use the infrastructure of the metaverse to monitor and manipulate the public at levels that make social media seem quaint.
Three proposals to strengthen the EU Artificial Intelligence Act
Recommendations to improve the regulation of AI – in Europe and worldwide
Why artefacts can’t consent
Why AI is amoral, and artefacts can’t consent? Joanna Bryson's notes for her testimony to a joint meeting of two UK All Party Parliamentary Groups: the one on Future Generations, and the one on Artificial Intelligence.
Children as Social Robot Designers
What happens when you let kids design their own social robot from scratch?
Who Killed the Robot Dog?
The robotic companion was once a dream of techno-utopianism, but has instead become a terrifying weapon. What happened?
Modern Robotics Compute Architectures – Flexibility, Optimization is Key
Robot behaviors are often built as computational graphs, with data flowing from sensors to compute technologies, all the way down to actuators and back. To obtain additional performance, robotics compute platforms must map these graph-like structures efficiently to CPUs, but also to specialized hardware including FPGAs and GPUs.
Neural networks can hide malware, and scientists are worried
This article is part of a review of AI research papers, a series of posts that explore the latest findings in artificial intelligence.
Customizing GPT-3 for Your Application
Developers can now fine-tune GPT-3 on their own data, creating a custom version tailored to their application. Customizing makes GPT-3 reliable for a wider variety of use cases and makes running the model cheaper and faster.
Why we organized the NetHack Challenge
At NeurIPS 2020, researchers from Facebook AI Research, UCL, NYU, and Oxford presented the NetHack Learning Environment (NLE) as a fast-but-complex RL environment based on NetHack, together with a baseline RL agent based on TorchBeast. All agents would be run using the same evaluation protocol, and...
Investors warn Deep Tech startups of these 12 pitfalla
Firstly, is robotics Deep Tech as opposed to Tech or technology enabled? Sometimes Deep Tech is regarded as a science based startup, sometimes it is regarded as disruptive to the status quo, sometimes it is regarded just as slow and hard, capital intensive, with a long ROI horizon. All Silicon...
Heikeji 黑科技 [‘black technology’]
The combination of the color black (hei 黑) and the broad category of technology (keji 科技) allowed this neologism to encompass a wide range of innovations from face recognition and drones to teleportation and quantum computing.¹ As Mireille Hildebrandt notes, broad and undefined descriptors such as...
Special Issue "Probabilistic Models in Machine and Human Learning"
As such, probabilistic models feature prominently in machine learning, models of human learning, and AI broadly. Indeed, even neural networks, classically non-probabilistic models, are defined in terms of approximations to probabilistic inference and are adapted to be probabilistic. In machine...
An overview of - Artificial Intelligence vs. Machine Learning vs. Deep Learning vs. Neural Networks
v Applications of Machine Learning The ML is highly used in the following places: Sales forecasting for different products Fraud analysis in banking Product recommendations Stock price prediction Deep Learning Deep Learning is a subset of ML, which deals with algorithms inspired by the structure and...