2022 - Deep diving into AI applied use cases and research that will change our future
When you look around the world today, it seems there is nothing that AI doesn’t touch, with major implications for the economy, society and human evolution. But, it can be challenging to find the intersectionality of AI in these spheres.
More and more, non-traditional players are emerging in the AI space: NGOs, leading sustainability voices and healthcare organisations. How can AI support saving the rain forests, make refugees safer in troubled areas around the world and extend first line healthcare to populations who don’t have it today? Killer robots, AI in warfare and privacy are just some of the bigger ethical and moral questions all of us in the world of AI need to engage with.
For all these burning questions and more, The World AI Cannes Festival (WAICF) is a unique and globe spanning event bringing together organizations and individuals to discover the latest AI innovations, the newest trends and to meet renowned scientists, visionaries and rising stars from around the world.
As a business or tech professional in AI, this is the opportunity to discover the latest news and developments in the market through Applied Use Cases. Meet highly sought-after decision makers and business leaders across topics like AI Society, AI Strategy, AI Applications, and AI Technology.
Interested in NLP & Research? Learn how engineers and developers are working on next generation solutions with business, social, health, and marketing applications. Join the world’s most ambitious AI Festival in the world, and understand just how much AI will change our future!

WAICF: Connecting the Best AI Actors to Ignite Positive Change in Business and Society
Join the World AI Cannes Festival, the global event bringing together organizations and individuals to explore how AI will shape our future. Get inspired by the most brilliant minds, successful entrepreneurs, and rising stars of the industry who will share their stories, strategies and visions.
Applied use cases
New Artificial Intelligence System Enables Machines That See the World More Like Humans Do
A new “common-sense” approach to computer vision enables artificial intelligence that interprets scenes more accurately than other systems do. Computer vision systems sometimes make inferences about a scene that fly in the face of common sense.
Boffins unveil artificial intelligence that thinks just like we do
As described in a new paper presented at NeurIPS 2021, the collaborators have developed a method of computation that mirrors the human brain to enable AI that can recognize information that does not exist in its training data (also called out-of-distribution data, or ODD).
Digital twins and artificial intelligence
A digital twin was originally designed to be a virtualized representation of a physical object or system. Digital twin is more of a concept rather than a single technology, and entails the use of big data, Internet of things, blockchain, edge computing, cloud computing, and artificial intelligence.
DeepMind’s AI helps untangle the mathematics of knots
For the first time, machine learning has spotted mathematical connections that humans had missed. Researchers at artificial-intelligence powerhouse DeepMind, based in London, teamed up with mathematicians to tackle two separate problems — one in the theory of knots and the other in the study of symmetries.
Majority Report: 2022 Predictions on How AI Will Impact Global Industries
There’s an old axiom that the best businesses thrive during periods of uncertainty. No doubt, that will be tested to the limits as 2022 portends upheaval on a grand scale. Pandemic-related supply chain disruptions are affecting everything from production of cars and electronics to toys and toilet paper.
Alphabet Chases Wonder Drugs With DeepMind AI Spinoff Isomorphic Labs
Then last year, things got serious when DeepMind trounced the competition at a protein folding contest. Predicting the structure of proteins, the complex molecules underpinning all biology, is notoriously difficult. But DeepMind’s AlphaFold2 made a quantum leap in capability, producing results that matched experimental data down to a resolution of a few atoms.
Why we must rethink AI benchmarks
with deep learning becoming very popular, benchmarks have become a narrow focus for many research labs and scientists. But while benchmarks can help compare the performance of AI systems on specific problems, they are often taken out of context, sometimes to harmful results.
A Cartel of Influential Datasets Is Dominating Machine Learning Research, New Study Suggests
A new paper from the University of California and Google Research has found that a small number of ‘benchmark’ machine learning datasets, largely from influential western institutions, and frequently from government organizations, are increasingly dominating the AI research sector.
Hard choices in artificial intelligence
As AI systems are integrated into high stakes social domains, researchers now examine how to design and operate them in a safe and ethical manner. However, the criteria for identifying and diagnosing safety risks in complex social contexts remain unclear and contested.
Why Meta is using a new AI approach to spot harmful content on Facebook and Instagram
AI needs massive data sets to work. Meta is testing a way to do more with less. Despite the constant deluge of content flowing into Facebook and Instagram, Meta has struggled to get enough data to train AI to spot harmful content, so it’s banking on an emerging approach.
Software 2.0. sometimes see people refer to neural networks as just “another tool in your machine learning toolbox”
Software 2.0 is written in much more abstract, human unfriendly language, such as the weights of a neural network. No human is involved in writing this code because there are a lot of weights (typical networks might have millions), and coding directly in weights is kind of hard (I tried).