In the News
Deep Learning machine beats Humans in IQ test
Computers have never been good at answering the type of verbal reasoning questions found in IQ tests. Now a deep learning machine unveiled in China is changing that.
IBM Pours Researchers And Resources Into Apache Spark Project
IBM calls Apache Spark the most important open source project in a decade as it can speed machine learning apps 100 times
Baidu rolls ahead with plans for driverless cars later this year
The Chinese Internet service giant forecasts availability of driverless cars later this year, in the wake of its aggressive development for smarter vehicles
Also in the news this week....
- Facebook launches standalone app Moments, that uses Machine Learning to help users share photos (e.g. with people detected in the photo)
- Twitter acquires Whetlab, a company that made intelligent systems to help other companies get started with Machine Learning
- Connectifier, a start-up founded by ex-Googlers, raises $6M to bring AI to recruitment search
- Discussions brokered by the US NTIA over facial-recognition technology are grinding to a halt
- Someday, sex dolls may talk back

What's wrong with Deep Learning?
(Very) long and detailed powerpoint presentation by Yann Lecun at the CVPR 2015 conference. Recommended.
Neural machine translation with GPUs
Introduction to performing text translation with recurrent neural networks, by Nvidia.
Deep Learning course
16 lectures on Deep Learning from the University of Oxford. In-depth introduction to the field.
Free ebook - Inductive Logic Programming
Introduction to inductive logic programming, a research field at the intersection of machine learning and logic programming, which aims at a formal framework as well as practical algorithms for inductively learning relational descriptions in the form of logic programs
Software tools & code

Will your job be done by a machine?
Fun little online tool to "evaluate" the probability that one's job will be replaced by a machine.
Five crazy abstractions my Deep Learning word2vec model just did
Word2Vec is a popular framework used to represent words as vectors. The framework can help achieve powerful results, as shown here.
Brains & Neurons
‘Brain-to-Text’ system converts speech brainwave patterns to text
Researchers have decoded natural continuously spoken speech from brain waves and transformed it into text - a step toward communication with computers or humans by thought alone.

The race to map the brain so we can upload it into a computer
Will we be able one day to map the brain? How are researchers pursuing this goal?
Injectable brain implant spies on individual neurons
A Harvard team has developed an electronic mesh that can help track the activity of individual neurons, thus opening the door to detailed mappings of the brain.
Some thoughts

Inceptionism by Google
Using neural networks "upside down" to transform images, Google has come up with visually stunning and interesting results. More examples in this gallery
MarI/O - Machine Learning for Video Games
This guy trained software to play Mario, have a look at the results (video)
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