After having announced the opening of their FAIR lab in Paris and having launched various AI-based solutions recently (including app Moment), Facebook continues to make the news this week with computer-generated photos looking real and "poselets" to enhance person recognition. Great to see this level of innovation!
In the News

From natural photos to computer-generated ones
Facebook's AI robot can generate images that look real to humans 40% of the time
Can we design trust between Humans and Artificial Intelligence?
The successful adaptation of AI requires empathy on the part of both people and computers
DeepMind: inside Google's super-brain
In-depth article on Deepmind and founder Demis Hassabis. From the early days to the Google days.
Working with AI
A guide to working with artificial intelligence: your staff don’t trust algorithms, but they’d never ‘hurt’ a robot baby dinosaur
Also in the news this week...
- DigitalGenius raises $3M to help companies strengthen their customer support teams with AI
- Criteo releases the biggest ever dataset for machine learning
- Amazon announces an improved Machine Learning system for its user rating and review solutions
- Japanese customers have quickly snatched up the 1000 first Pepper robots on sale
- Ariel Procaccia won the Computers and Thought award, for his contributions to the fields of computational social choice and computational economics

What's a poselet and why it matters to Facebook's facial recognition accuracy
Facebook artificial intelligence researchers and Berkeley's Ning Zhang have found a way to improve facial recognition algorithms by largely looking at everything but your face.

Free ebook - Information Theory, Pattern Recognition and Neural Networks
Information theory and inference, often taught separately, are here united in one entertaining textbook, along with numerous practical applications.

Suddenly, a leopard print sofa appears
Deep convolutional networks are great at telling the difference between various types of objects and animals. But how do they react to tricky photos?
Brains & Neurons
Getting Smarter
Interesting thoughts by Geoffrey Hinton on the nature of consciousness, where he tells us that we are not conscious after all and that “consciousness is a pre-scientific term". Interesting read.
Some thoughts

Exploring Game Space
Helping designers explore game space and better understand the relationship between design and player experience.

Data Mining reveals the surprising factors behind successful movies
The secret to making profitable movies will amaze you. (Spoiler: it’s not hiring top box office stars.)