In the News
"Deep Learning Conspiracy"
Jürgen Schmidhuber, famed ML researcher, replies to a recent paper in Nature by Lecun, Bengio and Hinton. The fight is getting ugly...
Chinese AI beat humans in an IQ test
A new artificial intelligence (AI) program designed by Chinese researchers has beat humans on a verbal IQ test. Does this say more on the program or on IQ tests?

Amazon opens cloud services for Alexa, the brains behind the Echo
Amazon is letting developers use the voice recognition tech behind the Echo and has launched a $100 million Alexa fund.
New AI safety projects get funding from Elon Musk
Elon Musk is known to fear the advent of algorithmic human-like intelligence.
Google apologizes after Photos app automatically tags black people as “gorillas”
The new Google Photos app uses Machine Learning to label users' photos. Mistakes are common, some of which have unexpected consequences.
Building Airbnb's data science team
How Airbnb scaled data science to all sides over 5 years of hypergrowth

CVPR 2015 and beyond
Excellent review of what has been announced and what was new during this year's CVPR (Computer Vision conference). Exciting read!
What is Deep?
A statistical view of Deep Learning: what does 'deep' mean, and what makes a model deep?
Designing Machine Learning models: a tale of precision and recall
Blog post by Airbnb's engineering on the use of Machine Learning to classify user behaviors.
Software tools & code

Google Deepdream
A couple of weeks ago, Google released its amazing "inceptionist" pictures. They are now releasing the code behind those pictures.
The Intel Deep Learning framework
SDK library for Deep Neural Networks training and execution (in C++)
Some thoughts

Deep nets generating stuff
The last few weeks have been a time of neural nets generating stuff. Here's a review of all that "stuff"
Can deep learning help you find the perfect girl?
Can a computer learn to which girls I'm attracted? I have tried by labeling over 9K profile pictures on Tinder and using deep learning.
This newsletter is a weekly collection of AI news and resources. If you find it worthwhile, please forward to your friends and colleagues, or share on your favorite network!
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