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In the News
High-skilled white-collar work? Machines can do that, too
Tales of companies that have successfully used algorithmic solutions to perform design or purchasing tasks in the fashion industry
The rise of 'pseudo-AI': how tech firms quietly use humans to do bots' work
Using what one expert calls a ‘Wizard of Oz technique’, some companies keep their reliance on humans a secret from investors
Lyft — from shallow to deep learning in fraud
A research scientist in Lyft's Fraud Team shares his journey improving fraud detection services. Namely how they progressively moved from a simple logistic regression to more complex approaches, along with hurdles and challenges they faced.
Reinforcement learning’s foundational flaw
Reinforcement Learning (RL) has been used to achieve tremendous results such as AlphaGo, but still has its drawbacks and flaws. Here's a different look at RL.
Overview of national AI strategies
Following Canada's lead, many countries have come up with a national "AI strategy". Here is a great overview country by country.
Given a satellite image, ML creates the view on the ground
Geographers could use the technique to determine how land is used.
Software tools & code

Glow: Better Reversible Generative Models
Reversible generative model which uses invertible 1x1 convolutions. It can generate realistic high resolution images, supports efficient sampling, and discovers features that can be used to manipulate attributes of data.
This newsletter is a collection of AI news and resources curated by @dlissmyr. If you find it worthwhile, please forward to your friends and colleagues, or share on your favorite network!
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