In the News

Build Touchless Products like No One Else
Join this free webinar on Sept. 26th and take full advantage of deep learning in making your products touchless! With a live demo, you will see how fast and easy it is to customize and deploy the high-performing 20BN touchless gesture control system!
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Featured positions
- Data Scientist @ Fintu Data Science, Berlin, Germany
- Startup CEO @ NUMA, Paris, France
- Group Leader, Decision Support & Machine Intelligence @ United Technologies Research Center, E. Hartford CT
Scaling Knowledge Access and Retrieval at Airbnb
Introducing our Knowledge Graph for encoding relationships and surfacing relevant information
Anatomy of an AI System
Using an Amazon Echo, here is a deep-dive in the full-stack behind AI systems.
Views on AI for warfare
Brookings survey finds divided views on artificial intelligence for warfare, but support rises if adversaries are developing it
Software tools & code
Researchers with Imperial College London and Chinese furnishing-VR startup Kujiale, have released InteriorNet, a large-scale dataset of photographs of complex, realistic interiors. InteriorNet contains around 1 million CAD models of different types of furniture and furnishing, which over 1,100 professional designers have subsequently used to create around 22 million room layouts.
Conceptual Caption
Dataset containing (image-URL, caption) pairs designed for the training and evaluation of machine learned image captioning systems.
This newsletter is a collection of AI news and resources curated by @dlissmyr. If you find it worthwhile, please forward to your friends and colleagues, or share on your favorite network!
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