In the News
What China can teach the U.S. about Artificial Intelligence
Visionary research is no longer the most important element of progress.
Also in the news this week...
- In a major reorganization at Amazon, the retail veterans who once decided what to sell on the site have lost out to the marketplace data scientists. More
- Amazon plans to open 3000 cashier-less stores by 2021. Not sure if this is feasible (that's 20 stores per week!). But in any case AI is about to change retail. More
- Google says it uses AI to predict floods in India and warn users. More
- Over 2,000 European AI experts join hands to challenge US, China in artificial intelligence. More
- Xi Jinping says China wants to collaborate on AI. More

AI Adoption in Wholesale Capital Markets
At AIFS EU 2018 in London on November 28th, AFME will host our keynote panel discussion looking at the adoption of artificial intelligence applications in wholesale capital markets with Barclays, Credit Suisse, Morgan Stanley and Northern Trust. Learn more here
People are pessimistic about automation
Many fear robots, computers will eliminate jobs, increase inequality
Software tools & code
Help! I can’t reproduce a machine learning project!
Have you ever sat down with the code and data for an existing machine learning project, trained the same model, checked your results… and found that they were different from the original results?
Deep Learning with Electronic Health Record (EHR) Systems
This is a great resource on NLP applied to Health.
This newsletter is a collection of AI news and resources curated by @dlissmyr. If you find it worthwhile, please forward to your friends and colleagues, or share on your favorite network!
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