Artificial artists, Data science at Twitter and Etsy, Thrun on the future, LSTM networks, Caffe2, Mocha.jl and more
Facebook's Siri-killer, Thought vectors, Retinopathy detection, Aerosolve, Silicon Brain, Boltzmann Machines
IBM's rodent brain, Slack, DeepMind, Music with RRN, Kalman filters, PCA and fashion
NYT recommendation engine, Baidu medical robot, Autonomous weapons, restaurant reviews, ML APIs and more
Airbnb, Google Translate, Deep Genomics, Sentiment analysis, Hinton dropout, classification dataset results and more
Google Reinforcement Learning, Self-awareness, Netflix outlier detection, Hadoop cheat-sheets and more
Quantum AI, Watson Deep Learning, model complexity, skip thoughts, ICML and cloud dreams
Deep Learning, IQ tests, Amazon Echo, Musk, and tons of tools
Computer-generated photos, working with AI, poselets, R, Game space, Deepmind and more
Machine IQ, IBM Spark, Lecun slides, driverless cars by Baidu, inceptionism, Twitter acquisition and more